Protechs Advanced Electronic Repair Center

Playstation 5

Display Issues

Loose or broken HDMI port, No Display, Blank Screen Repair Service

$189 Standard Damage PS5

$255 Extensive Damage PS5

Software Issues

Only boots into safe mode, Won't update, boots with only error screens

$89 to $189 Depending on
Hard Drive sizes

Disc Issues

Stuck disk, Not reading Cd's or games, Won't eject, No Response

$39 to $89 Depending on Repair or Replacement

Power/System Issues

No Power, No lights, Blinking lights, Cuts Off while playing, Fan issues, Freezing , Remotes Not Syncing or responding.

$29 Diagnostic 

$69 System Cleaning  

Playstation 4/Pro Services 

Display Issues

Loose or broken HDMI port, No Display, Blank Screen Repair Service

$89Standard Damage PS4

$119 Extensive Damage PS4

$89 Standard Damage Slim

$129 Extensive Damage Slim

$139 Standard Damage PS4 Pro

$179 Extensive Damage PS4 Pro

Software Issues

Only boots into safe mode, Won't update, boots with only error screens

$89 to $189 Depending on
Hard Drive sizes

Disc Issues

Stuck disk, Not reading Cd's or games, Won't eject, No Response

$39 to $89 Depending on Repair or Replacement

Power/System Issues

No Power, No lights, Blinking lights, Cuts Off while playing, Fan issues, Freezing , Remotes Not Syncing or responding.

$19 Diagnostic PS4/Slim/Pro

$69 System Cleaning PS4/Slim/Pro  

XBOX One S X Services 

Display Issues 

Loose or broken HDMI port, No Display, Blank Screen Repair Service

$39     Disassemble  Fee

$139     Standard Damage

$159     Extensive Damage 

Software Issues

Only boots into safe mode, Won't update, boots with only error screens

$39 Diagnostic/ Disassemble fee 

$89 to $129 Depending on sizes

Disc Issues

Stuck disk, Not reading Cd's or games, Won't eject, No Response

$39 Diagnostic/ Disassemble fee  

$ ? Depending on Repair or Replacement

Power/System Issues

No Power, No lights, Blinking lights, Cuts Off while playing, Fan issues, Freezing , Remotes Not Syncing or responding.

$39 Diagnostic/ Disassemble fee  

$69 System Cleaning